Coordinator of ESOL
Associate Professor of Teacher Education

Dr. Chang Pu is an associate professor of TESOL and the coordinator of the ESOL endorsement program at Berry College. Dr. Pu teaches ESOL endorsement and TEFL minor courses and Multicultural Education at both undergraduate and graduate levels. She also collaborates with local schools, international schools, the New Comer Academy (Dalton, GA) and bilingual immersion schools in China and the U.S., preparing preservice teachers to effectively teach culturally linguistically diverse students and helping K-12 students in both countries develop bilingual and bicultural competence. In 2019 Dr. Pu was named a Longview Foundation Global Teacher Educator fellow. She enjoys working with pre- and in-service teachers, and sharing her teaching, research interests and stories.
- Ph.D. Culture, Literacy, and Language, The University of Texas, San Antonio, TX
- M.A. Teaching English as a Second Language (TESOL), St. Cloud State University, St. Cloud. MN.
- B.A. English, University of Electronic, Science, & Tech. of China, P. R. China.
- Instructional Technology Certificate, St. Cloud State University
Research Interests
- English as a second language education
- bilingual education
- heritage language education
- virtual exchange
- teacher education
Selected Publications
- Pu, C. (2021). Beating the Odds: Successful Stories of “At-Risk” Latino Students in Georgia, a New-Hispanic-Magnet State. Educational Forum, 86(2).
- Lopez, M., & Pu, C. (2020). Infusing Global Perspectives into Teacher Education: A self-study from Texas and Georgia. In G. Malfatti (Ed.) People-Centered Approaches Toward the Internationalization of Higher Education (pp. 20-45). IGI Global.
- Pu, C. (2019). Teaching Chinese as a Heritage Language, In Shei, C., Chao, D., Zikpi, M. (Eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Chinese Language Teaching (pp. 64-77), Routledge.
- Pu, C. (2014). Learning to write in Chinese in community-based Chinese heritage language classes. In W. Ma (Ed.). East Meets West in Teacher Preparation: Crossing Chinese and American Borders (pp. 81-96). Teacher College Press.
- Pu, C. (2010). Rethinking literacy instruction to non-LEP labeled language minority students. Literacy Teaching and Learning, 15(1&2), 139-157.
- Pu, C. (2010). The Influence of Public and Heritage Language Schools on Chinese American Children’s Biliteracy Development. Bilingual Research Journal, 33(2), 150-172.