Associate Professor of Teacher Education
Coordinator, Charter Fellows

Carolyn Stufft is an assistant professor of Teacher Education who holds a doctorate in Literacy, with an area of specialization in Digital Literacies. Dr. Stufft is a certified ELAR (English/Language Arts/Reading) grades 4-8 teacher and a grades K-12 certified Reading Specialist, Master Reading Teacher, and Dyslexia Interventionist. She has taught grades 4-8 in Title I public schools and also has taught undergraduate and graduate courses in teacher education, mainly in middle grades literacy, content area literacy, emergent literacy, and assessment, beginning in 2011. Her teaching interests include: literacy, digital literacies, language arts, Young Adult (YA) literature, middle grades instruction, and technology integration. Dr. Stufft's research interests include the use of digital literacies to promote tweens' and teens' literacy practices and preparing pre-service teachers to provide cross-content literacy instruction and to effectively incorporate new literacies within the curriculum.