David C. Garrett Jr. Professor of Business Administration
Department Chair of Management and Entrepreneurship

John Grout is former dean of the Campbell School of Business at Berry College, Rome, Georgia; current Chair, Technology, Entrepreneurship, and Data Analytics Department and the David C. Garrett Jr. Professor of Business Administration. He returned to regular faculty status in 2016. John has overseen the development, approval and implementation of Berry College’s Creative Technologies program and Berry’s makerspace, HackBerry Lab. Dr. Grout has researched mistake-proofing extensively and published numerous articles on mistake-proofing. In 2004, John received the Shingo Prize for his paper, “The Human Side of Mistake-Proofing” with Douglas Stewart. John has also consulted with a large variety of firms to mistake-proof their processes.
- Ph.D., Business Management Science, Penn State University
- B.S., Business Operations and Systems Analysis, Brigham Young University
Teaching Interests
- Production and Operations Management
- Quality Management
- Statistics
- Quantitative Business Analysis
Research Interests
- Quality Management (Mistake Proofing)
- Lean Manufacturing
- User Innovation's Impact on Supply Chains
Field Experience
- Scheduling Supervisor, Signetics Corporation, 1985-1986
- Production Planner, Signetics Corporation, 1984-1985
Selected Publications
- John R. Grout, Mistake-Proofing the Design of Health Care Processes. (Prepared under the IPA with Berry College) AHRQ Publication No. 07-0020. Rockville, MD: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality; May 2007 (available online at https://archive.ahrq.gov/professionals/quality-patient-safety/patient-safety-resources/resources/mistakeproof/mistakeproofing.pdf
- John R. Grout and John S. Toussaint, "Mistake-Proofing Healthcare: Why Stopping Processes May Be a Good Start." Business Horizons, Vol. 53 (2010), pp. 149-156.
- John R. Grout, "Mistake-Proofing: Changing Designs to Reduce Error." Quality and Safety in Health Care, Dec 2006; No. 15: i44-i49.
- John R. Grout, "Preventing Medical Errors by Designing Benign Failures." Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Safety Vol. 29 (2003), No. 7, pp. 354-362.
- Douglas M. Stewart and John R. Grout, "The Human Side of Mistake-Proofing," Production and Operations Management. Vol. 10 (2001), No. 4, 440- 459. This paper won the Shingo Prize for Excellence in Manufacturing: Research and Professional Publication Prize in 2004.
- John R. Grout and David P. Christy, "A Model of Supplier Responses to Just-In-Time Delivery Requirements." Group Decision and Negotiation. Vol. 8 (1999), No. 2, 139-156.
- John R. Grout and Brian T. Downs, "An Economic Analysis of Inspection Costs for Mistake-Proofing Binomial Attributes." Journal of Quality Technology. Vol. 31 (1999), No. 4, 417-426.
- John R. Grout, "Influencing a Supplier Using Delivery Windows: Its Effect on the Variance of Flow time and On-Time Delivery." Decision Sciences. Vol. 29 (1998), No. 3, pp. 747-764.
- John R. Grout and Brian T. Downs, "Failsafing and Measurement Control Charts." Quality Management Journal Vol. 5 (1998), No. 2, pp. 67-75.
- John R. Grout, "A Model of Incentive Contracts for Just-In-Time Delivery." European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 96, (1996), pp. 139 -147.
- David P. Christy and John R. Grout, "Safeguarding Supply Chain Relationships." International Journal of Production Economics, Vol. 36 (1994), pp. 233-242.
- John R. Grout and David P. Christ, "An Inventory Model of Incentives for On-Time Delivery in Just-In-Time Purchasing Contracts." Naval Research Logistics, Vol. 40 (1993), pp.863-877.