Associate Professor of Communication

Dr. Kimberly Field-Springer is an Associate Professor in the Communication Department at Berry College. She graduated with her Ph.D. in 2013 from the School of Communication Studies at Ohio University with an emphasis on Health Communication and Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies.
Prior to pursuing her Ph.D., Dr. Field-Springer worked as a Public Relations and Marketing professional in the field of healthcare. Her teaching philosophy is heavily informed by a praxis-based approach that is driven by the constructive relation of theory to real world experiences. She has taught such classes, including: Rhetoric and Public Address, Multimedia Production, Gender and Media, Crisis Communication, and Cases & Campaigns. Her research interests are guided by how we negotiate meanings in health contexts while also attending to the ways these experiences come to inform identity, action, and transformative change.
Her research has been published in the journals of Health Communication, Health, Risk, & Society, Women’s Reproductive Health, Research on Aging, and Health Marketing Quarterly. Her work has been cited by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the World Health Organization. In 2017, Alternate route: Reimagining healthcare between doctors and their communities, a short documentary film based on her dissertation research and co-produced with Hames and McCoy, was screened at the Global Public Health Film Festival in Atlanta, GA hosted by the American Public Health Association.