Lecturer of English, Rhetoric and Writing
Director of the Writing Center

Melissa King is the Director of the Writing Center and a Lecturer in the Department of English, Rhetoric and Writing. She received both her B.A. and M.A. from Portland State University, where she focused primarily on Literary Theory, British literature, and Children’s literature. She went on to achieve ABD status in her PhD program at the University of Connecticut where her focus shifted to issues of translation, adaptation, and illustration in European fairy tales. She has taught English composition and literature both across the United States and abroad in Doha, Qatar and has received a number of awards and grants for her work, including a U.S. Embassy grant for her Qatar University literary journal and speaker series, an ACE grant for Community Engaged Learning, and a Mentorship Award for her work with 1st year students at Berry College. In addition to her literary scholarship, Professor Mullins actively collaborates with Dr. Sarah Allred and her Inside-Out Sociology students to provide Writing Center resources and workshops for Inside students at the Floyd County Prison.