Associate Professor of Psychology
Dean of Undergraduate Experiences

Casey Dexter, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor of Psychology and is the Dean of Undergraduate Experiences. His research program broadly focuses on the development of children’s school readiness skills, especially those at-risk for atypical developmental trajectories. He is particularly interested in the parent-child relationship as an important contextual vehicle for this developmental process. Dr. Dexter has published papers examining the effects of parenting interventions on parental reflectivity and parenting practices, parent-child literacy practices, racial differences in parenting and attachment, dialect variation and reading in African American children, working memory in preschoolers, language trajectories of maltreated children, predictors of teacher burnout, and the use of life review interview techniques in teaching courses on adulthood and aging.
In addition to his scholarly work in developmental psychology, Dr. Dexter is also very interested in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) as it applies to faculty teaching in general. Dr. Dexter has taught a variety of Academic Community Engagement (ACE) courses in his time at Berry and has presented this SoTL work on service-learning at various national conferences. Dr. Dexter has broad interests in scholarship related to the efficacy of faculty learning communities/communities of practice as mechanisms for elevating teaching practices. Additionally, Dr. Dexter has published work investigating the effect of coursework in diversity, equity, and inclusion on inclusive teaching practices.
- Ph.D., Wayne State University (2013)
- M.A., Wayne State University (2011)
- B.A., Albion College (2009)
Research Interests
- Parenting and attachment in at-risk families
- Young children's emergent literacy skills
- School readiness
- Child development and reading ability
- Faculty development practices (e.g. faculty learning communities, inclusive teaching)
Selected Publications
- Dexter, C. A. (In press). Supporting inclusive teaching: A Faculty cohort approach utilizing online training. Journal of Faculty Development.
- Dexter, C. A., Wong, K. (2023). Circle of Security-Parenting randomized waitlist control study: Change in reflective functioning explains positive caregiver behavior. Journal of Child and Family Studies. 1007/s10826-023-02710-0
- Nazione, S., Heller, L., Vredeveld, A., Dexter, C.A., & McElveen, M. (2023). Longitudinal effects of testing positive, quarantining, and pass/fail policy use on student GPAs during the first three semesters of the pandemic. Journal of American College Health. 1080/07448481.2023.2280841
- Dexter, C. A., Wall, M. (2021). Reflective functioning and teacher burnout: The mediating role of self-efficacy. Reflective Practice.
- Dexter, C. A. (2021). Service-learning in an undergraduate adulthood and aging course: Using life stories to connect students, content, and community. Educational Gerontology, 47, 172-179.
- Dexter, C. A., Johnson, A., Bowman, M., & Barnett, D. (2018). Kindergarten language risk and behavioral competency predict reading among African American second graders. Reading Psychology, 39, 763-786.
- Julian, M.M., Muzik, M., Kees, M., Valenstein, M., Dexter, C. A., & Rosenblum, L. (2018). Intervention effects on reflectivity explain change in positive parenting in military families with young children. Journal of Family Psychology, 32, 804-815.
- Swayze, M., & Dexter, C. A.(2017). Working memory and school readiness in preschoolers. Contemporary School Psychology, 22, 313-323.
- Dexter, C. A., & Stacks, A.M. (2014). A preliminary investigation of the relationship between parenting, parent-child shared reading practices, and child development in low-income families. Journal of Research in Childhood Education, 28, 394-410.
- Dexter, C., Wong, K., Stacks, A., Beeghly, M., & Barnett, D. (2013). Parenting and attachment among low-income African American and Caucasian preschoolers. Journal of Family Psychology, 27, 629-638
- Stacks, A.M., Beeghly, M., Partridge, T., & Dexter, C. A.. (2011). Effects of placement type on the language developmental trajectories of maltreated children from infancy to early childhood. Child Maltreatment, 16, 287-299.
Professional Associations
- APA Division 2: Society for the Teaching of Psychology
- APA Division 7: Developmental Psychology
- Professional and Organizational Development (POD) Network