Application and Selection Process

Applications will be evaluated according to The George Scholars Evaluation Form, which may be used to guide students and mentors in preparing applications.

Students should consult the website and application form for the application deadline. George Scholars will be announced every spring. Scholars will be notified via campus mail with an award letter from the George Scholar Coordinator. Students must agree to the terms of the grant by signing and returning the grant acceptance form included in the award letter.

George Scholar Research Grant Application

Students must submit

  • Completed application
  • Resume//CV
  • Recommendation letter from their faculty mentor
  • Endorsement from their research methods instructor (if not the same as their faculty mentor)
  •  Signatures from the Psychology Department Chair and School Dean
    •  Allow one week for Chair and Dean to review and sign application form.

Applications must include

  • A description of the research objectives and proposed project
  •  A timeline
    •  Including a projected date for IRB or IACUC approval.
  •  An itemized budget of plans for the use of grant funds

Research Proposals

  •  May be in the mentor’s area of research, but must be student-generated.
  •  Mentors may offer guidance in refining proposals.
  •  Applicant should address the educational value of their project.
  •  Applicant should address their evolving academic and career goals.
    • Mentor recommendation letter should include:
  •  Likelihood of project feasibility
  •  Likelihood of success of the
  •  Project should be beyond the scope or expected outcomes of the academic major.
    • · Department Chair and School Dean must approve the initial plan once developed by student and mentor.

Selection basis

  • GPA at Berry
  • Psychology GPA
  • Campus Activities
  • Research Proposal Strengths
  • Faculty Recommendation
  • Endorsement from PSY 260, 261, or ABA 353 instructor