Faculty Directory

Faculty Directory Faculty

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Assistant Professor of Animal Science
ANS 229

Dr. Amy Abrams is a Rumen Microbiologist with interests in the interactions of the rumen microbial communities and the development of the rumen microbiome as it relates to host animal health, performance, and management in various species.

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Associate Professor of Art
Moon 109
Assistant Professor of English, Rhetoric, and Writing
Evans Hall 230

Whitney Jordan Adams is an Assistant Professor of English, Rhetoric, and Writing. She studies the rhetorical construction of white supremacy, focusing on the Alt-Right, Accelerationism, and the rise in white nationalism.

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Laboratory Technologist and Lecturer, Physics
MAC 335B
Assistant Professor, Mathematics
MAC 336B

Brittni Akins is Assistant Professor of Mathematics. She teaches courses in analysis and calculus. Her research is in math biology, with an emphasis on modeling population dynamics using ordinary differential equations.

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Visual & Performing Arts Department Assistant
Ford 215

April Allen is the Visual & Performing Arts Department Assistant where she strives every day to keep things running smoothly.

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Associate Professor of Sociology; Department Chair of Sociology and Anthropology
Evans 221A

Sarah Allred, PhD is an Associate Professor of Sociology. Her research on higher education in carceral settings involves a participatory approach, engaging people who are incarcerated as collaborators.

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Assistant Professor of Psychology
Cook 336

Miguel Ampuero, Ph.D., BCBA-D is an Assistant Professor of Psychology and Applied Behavior Analysis at Berry College.

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Professor of German
EVA 102 C

Christine Anton is Professor of German at Berry College. In her research she focuses on nineteenth and twentieth-century German and Austrian literature and culture, Holocaust studies, migrant literature, as well as on second language learning and teaching methodology.

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Lecturer of Chemistry
McAllister Hall 322
Professor of History
Evans 113

Dr. Jonathan Atkins’ teaching interests specialize in American History 1607-1877, Southern History and English History.

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Associate Professor of Political Science
Evans 125
Senior Lecturer of Music (voice)
Ford 203

Ruth Powell Baker is a Senior Lecturer of Music.

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Associate Professor, Kinesiology
Cage 325

Angela Baldwin Smith is an Exercise Physiologist and an Associate Professor of Kinesiology at Berry College (2007-present).

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Professor of Spanish
EVA 206 D

Dr. Julia Barnes is a Professor of Spanish. Her research specialties are contemporary Spain, gender studies, film, and the novel.

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Assistant Professor of Religion and Philosophy
Evans 112B

David Barr is a scholar of Christian social ethics, with a specialty in environmental ethics.

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Lecturer of Biology
McAllister 365B
Assistant Professor of Teacher Education
Cook Building 249

Robert Bice, Ph.D. is Assistant Professor of Teacher Education.

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Associate Professor of Psychology
Cook Building 333

Victor Bissonnette earned his B.S. and a Ph.D. degrees at the University of Texas at Arlington. He started out in photojournalism and then came to major in psychology after taking several courses in the behavioral sciences.

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Visiting Lecturer, Mathematics
MAC 352 B

David Bond is a Visiting Instructor at Berry College. He currently teaches Elementary Statistics and Pre-Calculus, as well as serving as the the ALEKS Mathematics Coordinator; he is also the Supervisor for Math Education Student Teachers.

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Visiting Associate Professor of Chemistry
MAC 327A
Associate Professor of Biology and Department Chair; Affiliate Faculty of Environmental Science and Studies
McAllister Hall 365A

Dr. Borer’s research emphasizes physiological plant ecology and plant conservation. Current projects include flowering dogwood’s influence in ecological Ca cycling, conservation of seaside alder, Georgia trillium, and native milkweeds, analysis of plant roots in caves, and plant mapping. Other projects examined invertebrates in Ca cycling, nutrient resorption during leaf senescence, red spruce decline, and cave ecology and conservation. Student participation is central in all projects. Dr. Borer mentors student assistants in Biology’s teaching greenhouse, and is faculty advisor for Society of Outdoor Life and Exploration and the Eco Club.

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Visiting Assistant Professor, Theatre
Blackstone Hall, 205

Jennifer Bradford is a performer, teacher, and project manager from the Bay Area in California. She is a member of the Actors Reading Collective and previously taught theatre at her alma mater, Santa Clara University. Her focus is on acting, voice, and musical theatre. She is currently a visiting assistant professor in theatre at Berry.

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Associate Professor of Animal Science
ANS 221

Dr. Dawn Bresnahan is a reproductive physiologist interested in the interactions between maternal body condition and reproduction and development of assisted reproductive technology in various species with application to endangered wildlife.

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Callaway Professor of Organic Chemistry
McAllister Hall 305A

Dr. Gary Breton is the Callaway Professor of Chemistry at Berry College. Dr. Breton primarily teaches the Organic Chemistry for the Life Sciences sequence for non-chemistry/biochemistry majors, The Chemistry of Life course for pre-nursing students and Advanced Organic Chemistry. Dr. Breton has an active research group in which they study the synthesis of novel molecules that are of both theoretical and pharmaceutical interest.

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Associate Professor and Director of Theatre
Blackstone Costume Production Studio

Alice Bristow received her MFA in Costume Design from Indiana University and her B.F.A. from Missouri State University. She has produced costumes for various theatres including La Jolla Playhouse, Indiana Repertory Theatre, University of Michigan, Opera Theatre of St. Louis, Indianapolis Opera, University of Colorado at Boulder. Nationally and internationally, Alice’s designs have appeared on stage at the Pittsburg Opera, Fort Worth Opera, Central City Opera, Vancouver Opera, Shreveport Opera, and most recently Utah Opera’s production of Giuseppe Verdi’s Aida.

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Associate Professor of English, Rhetoric and Writing; Department Chair
Evans 225A

Dr. Christina Bucher joined the Berry faculty in 1995 and is currently Associate Professor of English and serving a second term as department chair. Her teaching and research areas include American literature through the early 20th century, African American literature, lesbian/gay/queer literature and first-year writing.

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Visiting Assistant Professor, Chemistry
McAllister 304 A
Associate Professor-Environmental Studies & Anthropology
Evans 212

Dr. Campbell engages in the propagation, saving and distribution of open-pollinated, “heirloom” seeds and the care and observation of an array of small livestock through the ABC Project and in the documentation of environmental problems and solutions through film-making.

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Professor of Music (piano)
Ford 201

Kris Carlisle is a professional pianist and educator. A native of California, he has performed throughout the United States, Canada, Europe, Australia, and Asia.

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Professor of Accounting
Green 219

Before Tommy Carnes became a professor, he spent 13 years as a newspaper reporter and editor in Virginia and Florida, where he won numerous awards for spot news writing, sports column writing, general writing excellence, and as the executive sports editor of one of the top 10 mid-sized sports sections in the United States. He also thinks he is the only person in the CSOB to have been struck by lightning (literally).

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Professor of Communication
Laughlin 100

A reporter, editor and photographer before joining the academy, Brian Carroll is author of six books. His most recent book explores the role of Shakespeare in inventing a nation.

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Associate Professor of Music; Director of Music Education
Ford 218

Dr. Stefanie Cash is Director of Music Education at Berry College. Dr. Cash is responsible for teaching methods and techniques classes, conducting the Berry Women's Choir as well as supervising student teachers.

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Clinical Assistant Professor of Nursing

Dr. Abigale Cheatham, DNP, RN, FNP-BC is a Clinical Assistant Professor of Nursing. She graduated from Berry College with her BSN and brings experience from her role as a bedside registered nurse and an advanced practice registered nurse.

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Dana Professor of Biology

Dr. Cipollini’s long-term research programs focus on Longleaf pine and American chestnut restoration. Much of his other research focused on plant-animal-microbe interactions mediated by secondary chemicals, and on sexual dimorphism and sex ratio variation in dioecious plants. He has directed research with well over 100 students on a broad range of lab, field, and study abroad projects. Students have also gained prescribed burn certification and have assisted as part of the longleaf pine project.

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Assistant Professor of Marketing
Green Hall 316
Assistant Professor of Mathematics
MAC 353B

Assistant Professor of Applied Mathematics Garner Cochran teaches courses in differential equations, linear algebra, mathematical modeling and calculus — with a focus on modeling real-world phenomena in the classroom.

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Director of Teacher Education; Professor of Mathematics Education; Director of STEMTeach Program
Cook 217

Dr. Cochran's research interests include personal philosophical development of STEM teachers, 3D printing curriculum in math classes and the integration of STEM topics in teacher development.

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Clinical Assistant Professor of Creative Technologies
Hackberry Lab

As a clinical assistant professor of creative technologies, Zane teaches a variety of prototyping and design thinking topics within the Creative Technologies program at Berry College.

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Assistant Professor of Psychology
Cook Building 332

Jackson S. Colvett, Ph.D. is Assistant Professor of Psychology.

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Assistant Professor of Biology
McAllister 382A

Dr. Conn researches antagonistic relationships that involve plants. Half of her work focuses on parasitic plants from the Orobanchaceae family and addresses questions about the genes that enable them to interact with hosts. Dr. Conn also studies the relationship between American chestnut trees and the fungal blight that has driven them to functional extinction.

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Henry Gund Professor of Biology
McAllister Hall 363A

Prof. Conn’s research program includes parasitic and other infectious diseases, insect disease vectors, and invertebrate invasive species that cause environmental problems around the world. His work in invertebrate zoology spans freshwater environments from the Everglades to the Great Lakes, and marine biology from the Caribbean to the Arctic. Students in his research program work on the Berry campus as well as more distant locations. With his students, he takes a One-Health approach, integrating biomedical, veterinary, and environmental perspectives.

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Associate Professor of Psychology; Director of Women’s and Gender Studies; Director of the Signature Experience Program
Cook Building 338

Susan Conradsen, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor of Psychology and the Director of the Signature Experience Program, and also the Director of the Women’s and Gender Studies Program at Berry.

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Visiting Assistant Professor
Evans 210

Courtney Cooper holds a Ph.D. from the University of Idaho in the Water Resources Graduate Program (2020) and an M.A. in Geography and Planning from Appalachian State University (2015).

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Associate Professor of Spanish; Department Chair of World Languages and Cultures
Evans 127

Dr. Jen Corry received her PhD in Spanish medieval literature from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She also holds an MBA from Berry College. Her interests include medieval and Golden Age Spanish literature, modern Spanish theater, translation, and Spanish for business, medical, and legal professionals.

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Ellice Curry-Tucker is a Lecturer in the Department of Teacher Education.

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Professor of Animal Science
ANS 219
Artist-in-residence: Director of Jazz and Percussion Studies
Ford 317

John David is Artist-in-Residence and Director of Jazz and Percussion Studies at Berry College in Rome, GA.  Appointed to this position in Fall 2013, Mr. David is the director of the Berry Jazz Ensemble, Jazz Combo, Percussion Ensemble, Steel Band and Viking Drumline.

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Lecturer of Communication; Director of Forensics
Laughlin 209
Assistant Professor, Psychology
Cook 334

Dr. Deng is a counseling psychologist, graduated with a Ph.D. from Indiana University Bloomington and now working as an Assistant Professor of Psychology at Berry College.

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Artist Affiliate in Low Brass
Ford 205D

Joining the faculty at Berry College in the Fall of 2022, Dr. Michael DeSousa is excited to be returning home to the North Georgia area. He has earned a Doctorate in Musical Arts and a Master of Music degree from the University of Kentucky.

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Associate Professor of Psychology; Dean of Undergraduate Experiences
Hermann Hall 240

Casey Dexter, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor of Psychology and is the interim Dean of Academic Services.

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Director of Undergraduate Research; Professor of Psychology
Cook Building 335

Kristen Diliberto-Macaluso, Ph.D. is a Professor of Psychology and Director of the Office of Undergraduate Research.

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Professor of English
Evans 215

Christopher Diller began his Berry career as Assistant Professor of English, Rhetoric, and Writing in 1999 and then became an Associate Professor of English, Rhetoric, and Writing in 2005. He also directed the Writing Center from 2005-2015. He became a full professor in 2014.

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Associate Professor of Kinesiology; Department Chair of Kinesiology
Cage 321

Dr. David Elmer, Department Chair and Associate Professor of Kinesiology. Dr. Elmer is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist whose primary interests are related to exercise training and human performance, though he has teaching and research experience across a range of areas.

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Richard Edgerton Professor of Marketing; Chair, Department of Management and Marketing
Green Hall 221B

Dr. Englis serves as the chair of the Management and Marketing Department. He is a psychologist who has taught consumer behavior, marketing strategy, principles of marketing and related subjects. Dr. Englis’ current research focuses on consumer psychology, product and brand symbolism, and the role of imagination in entrepreneurship and innovation. With an active consulting practice in consumer product innovation as well as intellectual property law, Dr. Englis has been accepted in federal court as an expert in marketing, branding and survey research methodology.

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Charles A. Dana Professor of Management and Entrepreneurship
Green 226

Dr. Paula Danskin Englis, Ph.D. is Professor of Management and Entrepreneurship and is also the Academic Director of the Berry College Entrepreneurship Program. Her research has appeared in more than 78 publications and Dr. Englis has taught entrepreneurship, strategy and international business in business schools across three continents (North America, Europe and Asia).

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Artist Affiliate in Trumpet
Ford 205D
Assistant Professor, Environmental Science and Studies
MAC 355A

Dr. Ernst combines field and greenhouse work to measure plant traits that help her characterize ecological strategies. She has experience working in a number of different ecosystems from iconic tall grass prairies of the Midwest to lush woodland habitats around the Great Lakes to scenic wetlands in the Intermountain West. 

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Assistant Professor of English, Rhetoric and Writing
Evans 208

Mia Escott joined the faculty in 2022 as an Assistant Professor of English, Rhetoric and Writing after receiving her doctoral degree in English at Louisiana State University. Her research and teaching interests include early modern British Literature, Renaissance Drama, Shakespeare, Critical Race Theory, and Women’s and Gender Studies.

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Program Manager - PA Program
Cook Building

Polly Evans-Thomas is the program manager for the PA program at Berry College, she has been working in academia since 2018 and found her niche working in PA education, particularly in admissions.

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Clinical Instructor of Nursing
Evans Hall

McKenna Evans is a Clinical Instructor of Nursing.

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Director of the Honors Program; Lecturer, Religion and Philosophy
Green 325 B

Coleman Fannin directs the Honors Program at Berry, along with Dr. Lauren Heller. He regularly teaches the Honors core course in the humanities and an Academic Community Engagement (ACE) course in Christian ethics.

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Adjunct Professor of Music; Artist Affiliate in Composition
Ford 310

Chris Ferebee is a composer, musicologist, and plucked string player. He holds degrees from the University of Durham (BA, MA) and the University of Oxford (DPhil).

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Associate Professor of Communication
Laughlin 112

Dr. Kimberly Field-Springer is an Associate Professor in the Communication Department at Berry College. She graduated with her Ph.D. in 2013 from the School of Communication Studies at Ohio University with an emphasis on Health Communication and Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies.

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Clinical Associate Professor of Animal Science; Pre-Vet Coordinator
ANS 220
Lecturer of Mathematics
MAC 336 A

Luke Fredericks is Visiting Assistant Professor of Mathematics at Berry College. He teaches Precalculus, Calculus, Abstract Algebra and Elementary Statistics.

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Associate Professor of Theatre
Blackstone 208

Peter Friedrich's acting credits include the national tour of Wendy Wasserstein’s The Sisters Rosensweig, Saturday Night Live and Sesame Street and an LA Outer Critics Circle Nomination for Best Featured Actor in Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf.

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Director of Clinical Education of the Physician Associate Program; Clinical Assistant Professor
Cook Building

Elisabeth Gaines, MHS, PA-C is the Director of Clinical Education and Clinical Assistant Professor of the Physician Associate Program.

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Program Director of the Physician Associate Program; Clinical Associate Professor
Cook Building

Victoria Galloway, DMSc, PA-C is the Program Director and a Clinical Associate Professor of the Physician Associate Program.

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Associate Professor of Accounting
Green Hall 413

Dr. Geng’s research focuses on the behavioral aspect of accounting, particularly judgment and decision making of accountants and auditors. Since his arrival at Berry College, Dr. Geng has taught Principles of Managerial Accounting, Accounting Information Systems and Cost Accounting. Dr. Geng is a Certified Public Accountant in the state of Georgia.

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Nursing Skills Lab and Simulator Coordinator
Evans Hall 239

Wendy Greer is the Nursing Skills Lab and Simulator Coordinator.

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Nichols Professor of French
EVA 102 B

Dr. Vincent Grégoire is a native of Mansigné, France, and Professor of French. He holds a M.A. degree in history from the Université François Rabelais, Tours, France, and received his PhD in French literature from Rutgers University.

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Assistant Professor of Instrumental Music Education; Director of Wind Studies
Ford 216

Dr. Alyssa Grey is an active musician, educator, and conductor. She completed undergraduate degrees in Music Education and Music Theory & Composition from the University of Miami where she studied with GRAMMY-Award Winning composer Lansing McLoskey.

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David C. Garrett Jr. Professor of Business Administration; Chair, Technology, Entrepreneurship, and Data Analytics
Green 414

John Grout is the David C. Garrett Jr. Professor, former dean, and award-winning teacher in the Campbell School of Business. John helped found Berry’s Creative Technologies program and HackBerry Lab. He is a Shingo Prize winner for research in mistake-proofing, having published numerous articles on the topic.

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Associate Professor of Biology
McAllister Hall 382B

Dr. Hall’s interests are in infectious zoonotic diseases, epidemiology, disease ecology, and the One Health approach to population health. He works largely with the protozoan Trypanosoma cruzi (Chagas Disease) and its vectors in the southeastern United States. He has also researched the natural reservoirs for Toxoplasma gondii (toxoplasmosis) in aquatic environments. Dr. Hall serves as the Director of Berry’s One Health minor program, the first such program at the undergraduate level in the world.

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Technology Specialist; Department of Communication
Laughlin 207

Steven is a six-time Telly Award-winning producer, director, and editor, who spent 15 years at television stations in North Georgia. He is the 2016 recipient of the College Media Association’s Honor Roll Broadcast Advisor Award. Steven serves as Secretary for the College Broadcasters, Inc (CBI) Board of Directors.

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Associate Professor Mathematics and Computer Science; Affiliate Faculty of Technology, Entrepreneurship, Data Analytics; Department Chair
McAllister Hall 354B

Nadeem Abdul Hamid is Associate Professor of Computer Science at Berry College and Chair of the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science. Dr. Hamid has taught a wide selection of courses in the Computer Science curriculum. He has a research background in programming languages and formal methods, and has ongoing projects developing software tools for enhancing Computer Science education.

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Henry Gund Professor of Psychology; Chair of Psychology
Cook Building 332

Michelle Haney, Ph.D., is a Professor of Psychology and the Director of the Autism/Applied Behavior Analysis Program at Berry College.

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Artist Affiliate, low strings; Director of the Berry College Symphony Orchestra
Ford 206

Eric Hanson has been a member of the Chattanooga Symphony since 1994. Prior to coming to Chattanooga Mr. Hanson served as Principal Bassist with the Huntsville Symphony and was an active musician in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, performing frequently as a substitute with the Milwaukee Symphony.

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Director of Visual & Performing Arts; Professor of Music
Ford 217

Adam Hayes is an internationally recognized performer, educator and clinician.

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Dean of the Campbell School of Business; Professor of Economics
Green 212B

Lauren Heller teaches economics in the Campbell School and directs the Berry College Honors Program. She also enjoys collaborating with students on research in a wide variety of policy topics in applied microeconomics and using discussion and multimedia clips to illustrate economic concepts in her classes.

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Artist Affiliate in Flute
Ford 215
Associate Professor of Communication; Filmmaking and Cinematic Arts; Department Chair
Laughlin 123

Curt Hersey teaches courses in American media history and in the Filmmaking and Cinematic Arts concentration, including film production, media criticism, and scriptwriting. His research focuses on humor and television news parody and on issues of media representation, including that of neurodiverse individuals and the depiction of addiction and substance abuse.

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Professor of International Affairs
Evans 111
Professor of Teacher Education; Director TEFL Minor
Cook 255

Dr. Eliana Hirano is an applied linguist, a professor of teacher education, and the director of the minor in Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL). Her research interests include the intersection between identity and language learning, academic literacies with a focus on refugee-background students, and L2 teacher education.

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Professor of Inorganic Chemistry
McAllister Hall 303B
Chaplain; Adjunct Instructor of Religion
Krannert 328

Dr. Huggins is the College Chaplain and leads Mount Berry Chapel. He has Academic Graduate degrees from Wheaton College, Reformed Theological Seminary, and the University of Stellenbosch. He is also an ordained Priest in the Anglican Church in North America.

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Professor of Psychology;; Dean of the Charter School of Education and Human Sciences
Cook Building 209

Alan Hughes, Ph.D. is Professor of Psychology and serves as the Dean of the Charter School of Education.

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Associate Professor of Kinesiology
Cage 327

Dr. Megan Janke is a licensed recreational therapist and gerontologist. Her research focuses on the health promotion and prevention of disease and disability with the aging population primarily through activity-based interventions.

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Artist Affiliate, horn
Ford 206

A native of coastal Georgia, Ellie Jenkins (horn) has been visiting Berry College since she was seven years old, and joined the faculty in 2009. She is an active performer, playing principal horn in the Carroll Symphony, second horn with the Rome Symphony, and performing frequently with the Chamber Players of the South.

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Associate Professor of Biochemistry
MAC 326B
Associate Professor of Finance
Green 214

Dr. Ken P. Johnston, Ph.D., CFA, is an Associate Professor of Finance. He wants his students to: critically think, do their own work, read with comprehension, ask questions, and use their imagination. His research has been cited in many journals including The Journal of Finance, Journal of Banking and Finance, Financial Analysts Journal, Journal of Risk, and Quantitative Finance.

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Director of Family Studies Minor; Professor of Family Studies
Cook 262

Brian Jory conducts research studies on the ethics of loving and being loved. He tries to understand what it means to embrace responsibility in intimate relationships, radiate respect, practice fairness, be appropriately loyal and care in ways that matter.

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Visiting Assistant Professor of Economics
Green Hall 411

Bryan Khoo is a Visiting Assistant Professor of Economics at Berry College. His teaching interests include Microeconomics and Economic History.

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Lecturer of English, Rhetoric and Writing; Director of the Writing Center
Evans 204

Melissa King is the Director of the Writing Center and a Lecturer in the Department of English, Rhetoric and Writing. Her research interests are in European fairy tales and folk texts, Illustration, and Translation Theory, as well as the role of Writing Centers in carceral settings.

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Area Clinical Education Director of the Physician Associate Program
Cook Building

Robert King, M.D. is the Area Clinical Education Director of the Physician Associate Program.

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Senior Lecturer of Communication and Student Publications Advisor
Laughlin 109A

Kevin Kleine is a senior lecturer of communication and student publications advisor. During his years in higher education Kleine has been teaching students to communicate clearly, effectively and with purpose.

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Lecturer of Animal Science
Animal Science Building, A227

Miranda Knight is a veterinarian serving in an instructional role and mentoring students interested in careers associated with animal science and veterinary medicine.

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Associate Professor of Finance
Green 216

Dr. Kosedag has been teaching Principles of Finance, Intermediate Corporate Finance, and Models & Cases in Managerial Finance and MBA -Corporate Finance classes at Berry College since August 2005. His research, like his teaching interest, focuses on corporate finance as well.

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Assistant Professor of Management
Green Hall 215

A teacher, researcher and consultant, Dr. Kushins examines organizational cultures, family businesses, HR practices, and organizational routines. He has published on topics ranging from race and discrimination in hiring to R&D development in Chinese family business.

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Professor of Physics
McAllister Hall 338C
Coordinator of Field Experience and Student Teaching
McAllister Hall 338C

Alyson Lansdell is the Coordinator of Field Experience and Student Teaching at Berry College.  Before joining the Berry Charter School of Education and Human Services in 2024, she worked in K-12 public education for 28 years.

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Assistant Professor of Teacher Education
Cook 244

Jieun Lee, Ph.D. is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Teacher Education.

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Clinical Associate Professor of Accounting
Green Hall 202

Dr. Matthew H. Levin teaches accounting and tax courses in the undergraduate and MBA programs. Prior to joining Berry College, he worked 30+ years as a CPA and Principal in an Atlanta-based firm and as Vice President of Corporate Tax for a global hotel company. He is passionate about engaging students in business concepts and his goal is “to bring the real-world of business into the classroom.”

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Associate Professor of Anthropology
Evans 221B

I have done ethnographic field research in Dar es Salaam, the largest city in Tanzania (on the coast of the eastern Africa). My research looks at how Tanzanians' expectations of city life and urban culture have transformed over the past 20 years as their society moved from African socialism to a liberalized, more globally-interwoven economy.

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Professor of Religious Studies
Evans 129

Dr. Lidke earned his M.A. (1996) and Ph.D.(2000) in South Asia Religion and Philosophy from the University of California, Santa Barbara, and his B.A. in Religious Studies from the University of Colorado (1990). He was a Fulbright Dissertation Fellow to Nepal in the 1996-97 academic year.

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Assistant Professor of Physics
MAC 335 A

Dr. Zachary Lindsey is an Assistant Professor of Physics and currently teaches courses in physics and engineering, while leading students in experimental physics research. His research combines aspects of physics, chemistry, materials science, and engineering to investigate novel semiconductor growth methods and materials with various optoelectronic and energy conversion applications.

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Associate Professor of Spanish
EVA 102A

Dr. Lucia Llorente is a native of Bilbao, Spain. Philologist by training, she is interested in both linguistics and literature.

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Assistant Professor of English, Rhetoric and Writing.
Evans 227

Alexandra Maria Lossada is an Assistant Professor of American Ethnic Literatures. Her research focuses on literary representations of ongoing immigration trends.

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Lecturer of Mathematics
McAllister Hall 352 A

Dr. Pam Marples, Lecturer in Mathematics, is interested in helping people learn the mathematics they need to achieve their goals. Dr. Marples has taught a wide variety of courses, has research background in combinatorics and graph theory.

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Visiting Assistant Professor of Economics and Data Analytics
Green Hall 215

Dr. Marsella is a visiting professor and teaches economics, statistics and data analytics.

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Associate Professor of Physical Chemistry
McAllister Hall 326A
Professor of History
Evans 124

Laurence W. Marvin has taught at Berry College since 1998. He offers a variety of history courses, among them both halves of the Foundations world history surveys, upper division level European history courses before 1300, western military history, and the departmental capstone course.

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Associate Professor of Sociology
Evans 210
Associate Professor of Economics
Green Hall 312

Dr. Meehan teaches in the areas of law and economics, public economics and environmental economics. His published research focuses on the economics of crime, occupational regulation and public choice economics. He also serves as a research affiliate with the Knee Center for the Study of Occupational Regulation at St. Francis University.

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Dana Professor in English; Creative Writing
Evans 219

Sandra Meek has taught creative writing at Berry since 1996 and is the author of six books of poems, most recently Still (Persea Books, 2020), named a “New & Noteworthy Poetry Book” by The New York Times Book Review. Her creative work centers on the environment and travel.

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Assistant Dean and Director of MBA Marketing and Admissions
Green 205B

Nancy Mercer serves as the assistant dean and director of the MBA program for the Campbell School of Business at Berry College. She is responsible for program management of the MBA, coordinates AACSB and SACSCOC accreditation efforts for the business school and assists in the day-to-day operations of the business school.

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Visiting Associate Professor of Religion and Philosophy
Evans 128

Timothy D. Miller completed his PhD in philosophy at the University of Oklahoma in 2007. His research interests include philosophy of religion, the history of early modern philosophy, and ethical theory, particularly in the rule consequentialist tradition.

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Clinical Assistant Professor of Health Professions and Pre-Health Advisor
McAllister Hall 324
Assistant Professor, Physics
MAC 338 B
Professor of Biology; Affiliate Professor of Biochemistry
McAllister Hall 364A

Dr. Morgan’s research focuses on coral reefs. His research include physiology of starfish, corals and sea anemones responding to chemical pollution, and coral diseases. To date, more than 50 student researchers have worked in his lab acquiring important lab skills in molecular biology. Dr. Morgan also offers biology majors an opportunity to study coral reef ecology in Roatan, Honduras.

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Assistant Professor of Practice; Director of Teaching Pathways
Cook 260
Professor of Biology
McAllister Hall 366B

Dr. Mowry’s research focuses on animal ecology. He is the founder of the Atlanta Coyote Project, which studies coyotes as integral members of southeastern wildlife communities. Students are actively involved in wildlife-based research projects with Dr. Mowry on the Berry College campus, in metropolitan Atlanta, and along the coasts of Georgia and South Carolina. He teaches courses in zoology, ecology, and conservation biology.

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Visiting Assistant Professor, Mathematics
McAllister 353 A

Daniel Nash is a visiting assistant professor in Mathematics at Berry College. He teaches courses in the calculus sequence, applied calculus, and linear algebra. His research background is in geometric topology.

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Associate Professor of Business Communication
Green Hall 410

Samantha Nazione teaches public relations courses, as well as a special rhetoric and public address section for future health care providers in the Communication Department at Berry College. Her research focuses on persuasion in the context of health.

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Associate Professor of Music; Director of Choral Activities
Ford 220

A native of Louisiana, Dr. Paul Neal is currently the Director of Choral Activities at Berry College where he oversees the choral program and serves as Associate Professor of Music.

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Clinical Assistant Professor of Teacher Education; Director, Educational Leadership Program
Cook 219
Adjunct Instructor of Music (piano); Director of Kindermusik
Ford 306

Kathryn Nobles holds a Bachelor of Music Education degree from Berry College, and did graduate studies at Georgia State University in Piano Pedagogy. She has been an Adjunct Lecturer in the Berry music department since August 1986, teaching class piano and private lessons. She birthed the Kindermusik program at Berry in 1989 where she serves as director.

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Professor of Religion and Philosophy
Evans 126

Michael Papazian has been at Berry since 1998. He received his Ph.D. in philosophy from the University of Virginia in 1995 and specializes in ancient philosophy, logic, and the medieval Armenian tradition of translations of Greek philosophical and theological texts.

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Associate Professor of Religion; Department Chair of Religion and Philosophy
Evans 112B

Jonathan Parker teaches Bible and theology at Berry. He completed his Ph.D. in Old Testament at the University of Durham (England), with special emphasis on the Theological Interpretation of Scripture. His research interests include the use of the Bible's history of reception in comparative Jewish and Christian interpretation.

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Artist Affiliate, saxophone
Ford 210

Gary Paulo is Artist Affiliate of Saxophones at Berry College. Gary is a D'Addario Reserve Method Artist. He has performed with artists spanning many different genres of music. He is regularly called to play saxophone in the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra, Alabama Symphony and Albany Symphony.

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Clinical Associate Professor; Assessment Coordinator; Principal Faculty
Cook Building
Lecturer of Dance; Director of Dance
Richards 264

Sara Pecina received her MFA in Dance from the University of Oklahoma and graduated with a BA in Dance and minor in Arts Administration from Western Kentucky University. She has taught a variety of forms of dance in the university system and private sector in Indiana, Kentucky and Oklahoma, and guest taught at the American College Dance Association Regional Conference.

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Assistant Professor of English; Creative Writing
Evans 213

Clinton Crockett Peters is the author of two books and over fifty published creative nonfiction essays, short stories, and long-form journalism articles. His teaching focus is creative writing, with an emphasis on nonfiction as well as environmental literature. He also teaches YA Literature and RHW courses.

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Associate Professor of Animal Science; Department Chair
ANS 228
Associate Professor of Biology
McAllister 363B

Research in the Poole lab focuses on the symbiotic relationship between cnidarians, such as corals, sea anemones and jellyfish, and photosynthetic organism called dinoflagellates. Specifically, our work is aimed at understanding the molecular and cellular processes that regulate both the establishment and breakdown (bleaching) of cnidarian-dinoflagellate symbiosis. Berry students are involved in every aspect of the research projects in my lab from question generation to preparing manuscripts for publications.

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Assistant Professor, Chemistry
MAC 304 B
Clinical Coordinator Physician Associate Program; Clinical Assistant Professor
Cook Building

Shanna Pressley, MSHS, PA-C is a Clinical Coordinator and Assistant of the Physician Associate Program.

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Coordinator of ESOL; Associate Professor of Teacher Education
Cook 247

Dr. Chang Pu is an associate professor of TESOL and the coordinator of the ESOL endorsement program at Berry College.

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Lecturer of Human Anatomy & Physiology
MAC 327B
Associate Professor of Biochemistry
McAllister Hall 303A

Dr. Dominic Qualley is an Associate Professor of Biochemistry. His research interests are centered around the structure of viral proteins and the pathways by which viral particles are assembled.

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Associate Professor of Psychological Sciences; Director of Applied Behavior Analysis/Autism Program
Cook 330

Thom Ratkos is a Board Certified Behavior Analyst who brings together clinical and conceptual approaches for our Applied Behavior Analysis minor.

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Artist Affiliate in Clarinet
Ford 215
Assistant Professor of Management
Green Hall 313

Dr. Reed is a university professor, management consultant, and prior corporate executive. His primary field is strategic management in which he teaches, conducts research, and consults on business strategies leading to sustainable competitive advantage.

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Professor and Director, Division of Nursing; Director
Evans Hall 242

Dr. Reilly is an experienced critical care clinician, research, and master teacher, bringing to Berry College core values of caring and creativity. It is through these lenses that she is leading the Division of Nursing to grow the program to meet the pressing need for excellent, Professional Nurses.

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Director of Sport Leadership and Strategy; Associate Professor of Practice
Cage 326

Dr. Kevin Renshler serves as the Director of Berry's Sport Leadership and Strategy program.

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Associate Professor of Biology
MAC 362B

Dr. DeLacy Rhodes is a microbiologist with a concentration on microbial pathogenesis. Her research interests focus on disease-causing microbes, and her lab involves investigating the prevalence of different vector-borne bacterial and parasitic pathogens, along with biofilm formation by different species of streptococci important in animal health. Students who join the Rhodes lab are involved in all aspects of research, and she typically mentors 2-5 students in her research lab per year and has published three papers containing student coauthors.

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Assistant Professor of History
Evans 112C

Dr. Kelsey Rice is a historian of the modern Middle East and Central Eurasia whose research focuses on the cultural history of Azerbaijan and Iran.

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Assistant Professor
Moon 104

Dennis Ritter received his MFA from The New York State College of Ceramics at Alfred University and his BFA from Temple University’s Tyler School of Art. His work has been shown throughout the United States, including at MOCA Georgia, The Wassaic Project, The Clay Studio,and Kennedy Museum of Art, and is held in numerous private collections throughout the country.

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Assistant Professor of Animal Science
ANS 226
Associate Professor of Practice
Cook 222

Dr. Frances C. Roe is an assistant clinical professor and Director of Field Experiences and Clinical Practice in the Teacher Education Department. She holds a doctorate of education in educational leadership in higher education.

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Associate Professor of Religion
Evans 136

Jordan Rowan Fannin teaches theology at Berry. She completed her Ph.D. in theology at Baylor University, with special emphasis in theology and literature. In addition to literature (and in particular the work of Flannery O’Connor), her research interests include the significance of place and displacement in the Christian tradition and contemporary moral theology, as well as theology of material culture and the lived environment.

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Associate Professor of Political Science; Department Chair of Political Science and International Affairs
Evans 117
Assistant Professor of Biology
McAllister 362 A

Dr. Saylor’s research utilizes live fishes to answer eco-physiological questions linked with stress physiology, thermal ecology, bioengineering & biomimetics, traits-based (multivariate) analyses, and mathematical modeling of laboratory-derived data. Research projects are prioritized based on regional impact and global appeal. I work alongside students to generate ethically-sound, publication-worthy research, that can inform global fish conservation. I also encourage creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills to better prepare students for a career in biology.

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Clinical Assistant Professor; Director of Didactic Education
Cook Building

Mr. Nathan M. Setka, Major (Ret.), MPAS, APA-C, and Clinical Assistant Professor, is a dedicated healthcare professional with a rich military and civilian medical service background. With over two decades of military service and extensive experience in various clinical and educational settings, Mr. Setka exemplifies a commitment to excellence in patient care, education and community service.

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Associate Professor of Economics
Green Hall 311

Dr. Sharpe teaches a wide range of courses, including Principles of Managerial Economics, Labor Economics, Health Economics, and Econometrics. His research interests lie in labor economics and urban economics, with a particular focus in the economic impact of immigration.

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Assistant Professor of Management
Green Hall 314

Dr. Eunie Shin teaches a wide range of management courses, such as leadership, organizational behavior, negotiation skills and business ethics.

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Professor of Spanish; Provost
Hermann 242
Associate Professor of History; Department Chair of History
Evans 107A

Christy Snider has been teaching U.S. history at Berry College since 2000. Her research includes work on women’s involvement in transnational organizations, college life in the 1950s, and local Civil Rights history.

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Assistant Professor of Nursing
Evans Hall

M'Lyn Spinks, DNS, RN, CHSE, CNE, FCN is an Assistant Professor of Nursing.

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Visiting Assistant Professor of Data Analytics
Green Hall 412

Ioanna Maria Spyrou is a Visiting Assistant Professor of Data Analytics at Berry College. Her research interests include Sustainable Development, Development and Environmental Economics, and Agriculture Economics.

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Professor of History
Evans 131

Matt Stanard has been teaching at Berry College since 2006. He has published a number of books and articles about Europe’s relations with the wider world, with a particular focus on European culture, overseas empire and decolonization. He has lived in or traveled to Europe regularly since the early 1980s.

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Medical Director of the Physician Associate Program
Cook Building

Ryan Stanger, M.D. is the Medical Director of the Physician Associate Program.

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Henry Gund Professor of Economics; Department Chair of Accounting, Economics and Finance
Green 218

Prof. Stephenson is the Henry Gund Professor of Economics and chair of the Department of Accounting, Economics, and Finance. His research and teaching interests lie in sports economics and public policy, and he has published in journals including Economic Inquiry, Public Choice, Journal of Sports Economics, and Journal of Monetary Economics. He is currently the editor of the Journal of Economics and Finance Education.

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Associate Professor of Teacher Education; Coordinator, Charter Fellows
Cook 256

Dr. Carolyn Stufft is an Assistant Professor of Teacher Education, the Coordinator of Charter Fellows and the Director of the Curriculum & Instruction Conversion Mechanism. Her research interests center on the use of digital literacies to promote youth literacy practices and to prepare teachers to incorporate new literacies within the curriculum.

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Assistant Professor, Animal Science
ANS 223
Assistant Professor of Kinesiology
Cage 324

Kameron Suire, Ph.D. is an Assistant Professor of Exercise Science.

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Professor of Bioanalytical Chemistry; Dean of The School of Mathematical and Natural Sciences
McAllister Hall 301

Dr. Alice H Suroviec is a Professor of Bioanalytical Chemistry. She is an Associate Editor of the Journal of the Electrochemical Society. She specializes in physical electroanalytical and enzyme based biosensor research.

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Assistant Professor, Biology
McAllister 366 A

Dr. Sykes’ research connects somatic health disparities and psychopathology using preclinical mouse models.

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Professor of Spanish
EVA 206 B

Dr. Julee Tate is a Latin Americanist with a focus on twentieth and twenty-first century cultural productions. She is also interested in and practices community-engaged pedagogies.

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Interim Dean of Humanities, Arts & Social Sciences;; Professor of International Affairs
Evans 202

Kirsten Taylor is the Interim Dean of Humanities, Arts & Social Sciences, the Dana Professor of Political Science and International Affairs, and faculty advisor to Berry’s Model United Nations club. Her teaching and research interests include international security, global environmental politics and law, US foreign policy, and the scholarship of teaching and learning.

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Associate Professor of English
Evans 231
Cook Professor of Mathematics
McAllister Hall 337A

Dr. Ron Taylor is the Cook Professor of Mathematics and recipient of the 2018 MAA Haimo Award for Distinguished College or University Teaching of Mathematics. He teaches courses at all levels of the math curriculum including calculus, proof structures and knot theory.

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Associate Professor and Department Chair, Environmental Science and Studies
McAllister Hall 355C

Dr. Zachary Taylor teaches a variety of environmental science courses and, along with his students, conducts interdisciplinary research that uses lake sediments to reconstruct past environments.

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Clinical Instructor of Nursing
Evans 240

Ashley Thiers is a Clinical Instructor of Nursing.

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Artist-in-Residence, Voice
Ford 208

She serves as Artist in Residence in Voice at Berry College in Rome, GA.

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Artist-in-Residence, Theatre
Blackstone 101

Mandy Thomas serves as Artist in Residence in Theatre.

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Artist Affiliate - Guitar
Ford 205C

Sean Thrower is a guitarist with interest and versatility in an eclectic mix of playing styles and genres, which has led him to perform in a wide variety of settings and venues across the world.

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Reid Professor of Physics and Astronomy ; Dual-degree Engineering Coordinator; Department Chair
McAllister Hall 338A

Dr. Todd Timberlake is a Professor of Physics and Astronomy. He teaches courses in computational physics, classical and quantum mechanics, and historical astronomy. He conducts research in computational quantum mechanics, the use of computers for teaching physics and astronomy, and the history of astronomy. He is the author of two books: Finding Our Place in the Solar System (from Cambridge University Press) and Classical Mechanics with Maxima (from Springer).

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Clinical Instructor of Nursing
Evans 238

Tracy graduated from Berry College in 2016 with her BSN and from Liberty University in 2021 with her MSN in Nursing Education. She has six years of emergency room experience and has also worked as a simulation lab technician.

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Artist Affiliate (double reeds)
Ford 206
Professor of Art History
Moon 204B

Virginia Gardner Troy is a scholar of twentieth century art and design. She has a secondary field of expertise in Pre-Columbian art and architecture. She is particularly interested in textiles; her scholarship examines the role and significance of textiles, including non-Western textiles, in shaping modernism.

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Associate Professor of Chemistry; Department Chair
McAllister Hall 305B

Dr. Mark Turlington is an Associate Professor of Chemistry & Biochemistry. He is the Director of the Berry College Science Scholars Program and is the Goldwater Scholarship Campus Representative. He specializes in organic and medicinal chemistry teaching and research.

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Adjunct Professor, English, Rhetoric, and Writing
Evans Hall 206F

Dr. Vespa considers himself a poetry teacher who works in the classroom as a literature and writing professor as well as on the air and onstage as Supernatural Radio.

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Associate Professor of Marketing
Green Hall 315

Dr. Vredeveld’s research is focused on consumer behavior, with particular emphasis on brand consumption. She is especially interested in how brands are used as part of experiences and interpersonal relationships and how consumers moralize their brand consumption.

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Clinical Specialist - PA Program
Cook Building

Michele Wahl is the Clinical Specialist for the Physician Associate Program.

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Professor of English
Evans 217

Professor of English, Dr. Jim Watkins, has been teaching at Berry since 1995 and specializes in American Literature and Autobiography Studies. Dr. Watkins also teaches courses in U.S. Southern Literature, Native American Literature, Environmental Literature and First Year Writing. He is also the advisor for Berry’s chapter of Sigma Tau Delta, the English Honor Society.

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Artist Affiliate (violin, viola)
Ford 215

Dr. Emily Laminack Wetzel teaches violin, viola and chamber music at Berry College, where she joined the music faculty as an Artist Affiliate in 2020.

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Lecturer of Creative Technology
HackBerry Lab

After receiving his masters degree in Artificial Intelligence, Chris Whitmire came to Berry to teach for the Creative Technologies department. His classes span the fields of design, computer science, electronics, and machine learning. He also works to foster a strong community within HackBerry Lab and the Creative Technologies department.

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Assistant Professor, Kinesiology
Cage 325

Dr. Cassie Williamson-Reisdorph is an integrative physiologist and an Assistant Professor of Kinesiology at Berry College.

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Director of Accreditation and Technology
Cook 215

Monica enjoys spending time with her daughter, coaching basketball, and spending time outdoors.

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Professor of Animal Science
ANS 225

Dr. Judy Wilson has training and experience in equine exercise physiology with a primary interest in muscular responses to acute and chronic exercise. At Berry College, her research focus has been amino acid metabolism in horses of different ages and physiologic status.

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Artist Affiliate, organ; Staff Accompanist; Instructor in Music Technology
Ford 215
Clinical Assistant Professor of Nursing
Evans 245

Ashleigh Woods, Ed.D., R.N., C.N.E., is a Clinical Assistant Professor of Nursing at Berry College. She is responsible for teaching in the senior year of nursing in topics of medical surgical nursing, intensive/critical care nursing and the senior internship practicum.

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Assistant Professor, Computer Science
McAllister 354 A

Xiaomeng Ye is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science. He is teaching Discrete Structures and Designing Programs and plans on teaching a research skills in AI course.

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